background & targets

features & benefits
Stores, service providers, and restaurants can simply place their products and services on the platform by registering and offering them for booking. The digital tickets purchased by the traveler or provided as part of the flight can simply be received and redeemed via an app. Any payment transactions (with a credit card) can of course also be processed via the platform. Infrastructure such as turnstiles, barriers to parking garages, etc. can also be integrated (see figure below for the example of the “Speedy Park” barrier system).
The airport itself as the infrastructure provider offers its own products/services on this platform at any time. This ranges from the redemption of digital tickets (or vouchers for flight bookings) at parking ticket machines and could also include the booking of conference rooms for meetings. Information about flights, longer waiting times at security checks or border controls are part of the service.
In addition to the core functionality described above, both the marketing and statistical options associated with the system are an important aspect. For example, push messages can be defined that is automatically displayed to travelers when they redeem their tickets, which have a particularly high relevance due to the right moment. Current or additional information about the trip is just as possible as additional offers (lounge) or information about the place where the traveler is currently.