Bicycle Storage Pilot Project

unlocking access to
practical bicycle storage

Land Kärnten and ÖBB initiate a pilot project to provide secure bicycle storage at train stations, accessible through the All in ONE Klagenfurt app, transforming smartphones into digital keys using advanced lock technologies.

Why It's a Good Fit for COYERO:

This project is in line with COYERO’s mission to enhance everyday convenience through digital solutions. Our expertise in integrating technology with user-friendly apps makes us an ideal partner for facilitating secure and easy access to bicycle storage facilities, showcasing our commitment to smart, secure, and sustainable city solutions.

Key features

  • Secure Storage Boxes: Located at train stations, offering protection against theft or damage.
  • 24-Hour Digital Key: Accessible via the All in ONE Klagenfurt app, providing 24-hour storage box access.
  • Smartphone Integration: Turns smartphones into digital keys using iLOQ (NFC) and Gantner (Bluetooth) technologies.

Benefits for ev charging locations

  • Enhanced Security: Reduces bicycle theft risks.
  • Convenient Access: Easy storage box access via smartphones.
  • Versatile Technology: Employs NFC and Bluetooth for smooth interaction.
  • User Satisfaction: Modern, secure, and user-friendly storage experience.
  • Efficient Management: Simplifies facility management through digital solutions.

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